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Shifting from Ordinary Thinking to Extraordinary Thinking Pt.2
Pastor Nick Scaglione • Last Wednesday
Teaching Children to Communicate with God
Pastor Nick Scaglione +1 • Last Wednesday
Shifting From Ordinary to Extraordinary Thinking
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 9/1/2024
Unlocking God's Extraordinary Financial Blessing In Your Life
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 8/30/2024
"Positioned" for God's Extraordinary's Blessings (Continued)
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 8/28/2024
Equipping Kids to Overcoming Peer Pressure & Identity Issues
Pastor Frannie Scaglione +1 • 8/28/2024
Setting Goals that Win!
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 8/26/2024
"Positioned" for God's Extraordinary Blessings
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 8/25/2024
Expect the Uncommon in God's Kingdom
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 8/23/2024
Receiving the Extraordinary
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 8/21/2024
Digital Parenting: Protect, Guide, Empower Your Child
Pastor Nick Scaglione +1 • 8/21/2024
Receiving the Extraordinary of God’s Abundant Blessing
Pastor Nick Scaglione • 8/18/2024